Thursday, April 27, 2017

UAE advertising - Dubai advertising and Qatar advertising

Advertising is not in itself going to improve a business's revenue, done badly it will simple be a cost that is a negative on the bottom line. Advertising has to be effective in delivering increased revenue, and it can be by engaging with the right type of audience and helping them make the decision to purchase. Driving Growth in the UAE advertising has developed a successful approach to advertising which is helping their clients achieve the return on advertising investment they need.

Poor ROI
As mentioned above, not all advertising is effective at delivering a ROI. Even the most expensive and high-profile advertising can culminate in a very poor ROI.
UK online dating company came under fire in 2016 for their London Underground billboard campaign.  The billboard featured a red-haired and heavily-freckled female with a caption along the lines of even people with imperfections can find their perfect date.  It wasn't long before the company was heavily criticized for suggesting freckles and ginger hair were imperfections.

Bic South Africa released an advertisement on World Women's Day in 2016 that was immediately branded as being very sexist.  The ad suggested that whilst women were great at looking good, when it comes to thinking they should leave that to the men.

The release of the Starbucks Christmas cup is always eagerly awaited. The effort for 2016 was underwhelming according to most customers, a simple design with a red cup and the green Starbucks logo.  However, due to the amount of publicity this received, it's hard to say that Starbucks were negatively affected.  No such thing as bad publicity as they say.

In 2102, McDonald's launched a social media campaign which was meant to encourage people to share their inspirational stories with the world. Unfortunately, the campaign was hijacked and instead many provided their horror stories of visits to McDonald's restaurants.

Heinz foods suffered an embarrassing situation recently, they had a QR code registered to them as part of an advertising campaign.  The campaign ended in 2014 and Heinz didn't renew the code subscription.  With a long shelf-life, some Heinz products remained on the shelves of supermarkets beyond the date of the campaign. The QR code had been reassigned to another company, an adult entertainment company.  Heinz customers scanning the code received a nasty surprise.

The above examples serve to show that even the biggest companies can have an advertising fail.  If you would like to know how Driving Growth can help your company deliver an effective advertising campaign.

Tags: Dubai advertising, UAE advertising, Qatar advertising 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

UAE Advertising - Qatar Advertising and Dubai Advertising


Advertising in business has been around for almost as long as business itself has.  In its most basic form, it can be traced back to ancient civilizations but the more sophisticated type we see now can probably be traced back to the 19th Century, when newspapers and magazines were the media of choice.  In the 20th Century the advent of TV, radio and the internet have been something of a revolution for Dubai advertising .  In the UAE, Driving Growth are a company with expertise in the field of advertising, able to help clients develop their advertising campaigns to enhance their businesses.

Innovative Ads - Bou Khalil 

There were some successful advertising campaigns in 2016 in the UAE, each using innovative or unique means to appeal to their target audiences. Bou Khalil, the supermarket chain, were aware of the trend towards not giving money to beggars because many believed the money was not being spent wisely by the recipients.  They introduced a scheme whereby would-be donors could buy a voucher to give to the beggars - the voucher could then be exchanged for food and other essentials.


As part of a campaign to encourage children to drink more water, Nestle developed an app that allowed kids to see what was going on in their stomachs.  It's theme was a storybook with a fish character, Tummyfish.


HSBC bank had a great idea to welcome in the new year, and to encourage people to follow their dreams and aspirations.  They placed gifts at various places in Dubai (including a bicycle, surfboard and headphones) and the first person to find them had a great start to the year.


The Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority developed a diverse media campaign to highlight the Emirates as a great place to visit for cultural experience and natural resources.  It had press, TV, radio and digital exposure.


Daman, the insurance group, developed an innovative advertisement in two regional magazines to promote the health benefits of Vitamin D.  The advertisements only became visible when exposed to sunlight.


Emirates Airlines, based in Dubai, developed a social media campaign where seven of their employees were seen travelling around the world in a series of 90 videos.  These seven were known as "Globalistas."


Dubai dog shelter K9 had an interesting ad aimed at raising funds for their shelters.  They portrayed their dogs as models, with each dog having a portfolio and being available for hire as a model.


Samsung developed an ad in response to the problem of short-sightedness caused by holding device screens too close to the eyes.  The screen app - Safety Screen - would warn users when the screen was too close.


Lipton shopping trolleys were modified to incorporate fitness trackers into their handles. The trackers would show steps taken, distance covered and calories burnt in an effort to promote general health improvement.

The above are just a selection of innovative advertising campaigns seen across the UAE in 2016.

For further information on how Driving Growth can help companies develop advertising campaigns, or the other services they can provide.

Tags: Qatar advertising, Dubai advertising, UAE advertising 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dubai Web Design, Abu Dhabi Web Design and Qatar Web Design

In order to see how web design has changed and developed over the years, it is worth taking a look at a website from 15 years, 10 years and 5 years ago and comparing them with what we have today.  You will see some significant differences.  This is true across the globe, including Dubai web design, Abu Dhabi web design and Qatar web design. In 2017, we can expect to see some further developments in web design based on current trends.

More open composition is being seen more and more.  In the past, the screen was static and the elements stayed where they were, these days things are moving around, and even moving on and off screen.

Previously, symmetry was the standard, with everything being balanced vertically and horizontally.  This changed in 2016, with many designers choosing to go for the asymmetric look.

If you were to compare the websites of yesteryear with today, you could be forgiven for thinking things are chaotic now.  They are only apparently chaotic, with the traditional themes such as texture, colour, size etc still being followed, just less obviously.

The trend is also towards richer patterns, backgrounds and designs.  Dashes, stripes, dots, grid patterns and less boxy buttons are becoming the norm. The general theme is moving away from standard towards variety.

Animation has always been around in web design, but now it is a much bigger feature.  The smooth scrolling between elements, content appearing and disappearing on the screen are amongst the popular animation effects we are seeing much more of.

The actual typeface used now is also different from before.  The tendency in the past was towards simple block typefaces, with perhaps headers using something a little different.  These days, we are seeing more contrast between different typefaces on the same page.  The size of typeface is also changing, with the move towards bigger is better.

In terms of colour, there is often a connection between the colours used and the website owner, resulting in a somewhat fixed range of colours which can be used.  That said, wherever possible, designers are tending to incorporate more darker and dimmer shades and tones in their designs.

If we wanted to draw a theme around the developments, we could say the trend is moving away from minimalism, but that's not to say minimalist websites don't have their place.

If you would like to utilize the expertise of Driving Growth to help you develop your companies website design, visit them.

Tags: Dubai web design, Abu Dhabi web design, Qatar web design